Full Snow Moon Ritual & Tea Party
This ritual was conducted by High Priestess Syleena

We started off tonight’s ritual with Syleena invoking the Goddess Hecate. She then led us to draw down the moon Goddess inside of us and feel her power. This was followed by a spiritual quest meditation to meet Hecate in the forest and unburden ourselves of sorrows.
This night was also Syleena’s birthday in which we celebrated after ritual with tea and crumpets!
Goddess of the Moon, You have been known by many names in many lands in many times. You are universal and constant. In the dark of night, You shine down upon us and bathe us in Your light and love. I ask You, O Divine One, to honor me by joining with me, and allowing me to feel Your presence within my heart.
Ok now move your feet apart to about shoulder width, and raise your arms up and out to welcome the Goddess into you. You may begin to feel a surge of energy, a palpable tingle – don’t worry, that’s the Goddess making Herself known to you. You are speaking for Her, in Her voice:
I am the Mother of all life, the One who watches over all. I am the wind in the sky, the spark in the fire, the seedling in the earth, the water in the river.
I am the vessel from which All Things spring forth. Honor Me from within your heart! Remember that acts of love and pleasure are My rituals, and that there is beauty in all things. Honor Me on this night of the full moon! I have been with you since the moment you were created, and shall remain with you always. Let there be beauty and strength, wisdom and honor, humility and courage within you. If you need Me, call upon Me and I shall come to you, for I am everywhere, always.
Honor Me as you seek knowledge! I am the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone, and I live within you.