Beltane 2020 was conducted by High Priestess Syleena

Beltane 2020 was written by coven member Nebulosus Severine. However, due to quarantine the ritual was conducted by our High Priestess Syleena.
Half a year ago, on the other side of the Wheel of the Year, we observed the rites of Samhain, a time of darkness, of repose and rest, to connect with our ancestors who have gone beyond the Veil. But while Samhain honors Death, Beltane is focused on Life in all its fullness!
Today we gather for Beltane, the ancient Celtic celebration of life, fertility, growth, sunshine and joy! The days are getting longer, flowers are in full bloom, the trees are green and crowned with their majestic leaves. Bees are buzzing and the air is alive with song as birds build their nests. Blue skies, bright sunshine, and mild breezes make us eager to open our windows, spend time outdoors, and gather with loved ones. Our bodies and souls are full of Earth’s energy, we feel restless and want to celebrate, and the Goddess and God’s essences merge in divine marriage.
Like Samhain, Beltane is both a fire festival and a liminal time when the Veil is thin. Our ancestors were aware that the fairies, or Sídhe (“shee”), become more active in this season, potentially causing mischief and danger. Many rites for blessings and protections associated with bonfires are traditionally observed as part of Beltane celebrations. Dancing the Maypole, handfastings, and great feasts were traditional activities as well.
Until recently, our world of near overabundance and comfort made it easy to forget just how fragile life and civilization can be. We have come to realize how many aspects of our daily lives we have taken for granted. Now, more than ever, we are taking stock of what is important, not only in fulfilling our basic needs, but in what makes life meaningful and valuable to us.
In days of old, people knew their lives were fragile. Although the harsh winter had passed over by Beltane, dangers still lurked everywhere. Rough weather could devastate the ripening crops, causing famine; livestock could fall victim to diseases or predators; there might be too much rain, or not enough. Fire, the heart of civilization, could also bring ruin and destruction. Despite all of this, our ancestors made Beltane a time of joy and revelry. There were feasts, and handfastings, love and laughter, passion and hedonistic pleasures, where all cares were forgotten for a time, and the blessings of the gods were embraced.
The video below is the meditation we used to focus on love gratitude and healing.