Category Archives: Uncategorized
Yule 2018

Yule 2018 was lead by acting HPS Nebulous. We said farewell to the Holly King and welcomed his counter part, the Oak King. At Samhain, we began a journey through Continue Reading →
Happy Yule 2018!

Samhain Witches’ Ball 2018

Pictures from Samhain 2018 Witches’ Ball. Thank you all for coming, see you October 26, 2019! Photo Credit: Christen Windsor Solberg Samhain 2018 was lead by coven member Serenity. Following Continue Reading →
Beltane 2018

Beltane 2018 was officiated by the Coven’s High Priestess, Syleena. At Beltane (May 1), when Nature is truly flourishing, the Goddess and God unite. This ensures the abundance of the Continue Reading →
Triple Goddess

Aphrodite, Freya, Isis! I walk with the Goddess…Invoking the Gods is a very large of practicing magic. In this photo coven members invoke their patron Deities in costume and spirit. Continue Reading →