Yule 2020 was conducted by Priestess Aura & Aaron
We have are now at the darkest and coldest part of the year. This is the time of year when we are all wondering, how is it only 7 o’clock? It feels like 10…We decorate our homes with light and bring the outdoor evergreens inside to remind ourselves that there is still life even in this dark season. We drink hot beverages, and snuggle up with our loved ones.
Even in modern times, we can’t ignore the winter’s effects on our lives. Do you feel the pull to go to bed earlier? To relax more, and do less? Mother Earth is showing us that there must be a time to rest, a time to turn inwards and celebrate not just the light returning but also the healing dark. We are a people who celebrate the seasons, not just because our ancestors did but because we still live here on this earth. We still experience all of these seasons and they have something to teach us. We all we need to rest sometimes, to sit down and stop doing. Right now our mother is resting but at the same time, busy. She is restoring herself so she will be ready for the spring rebirth.
This year has been really hard for many people. It has hit us with unexpected hardships left and right but even in the face of hardships, there are lessons to be learned and there is hope for the future. The circle always turns, and this too shall pass. Soon the sun shall be born again and we will resume our more outward lives, but for now, let us rest and count the blessings that we have.